You've Gone To Where?

Denny and Sandra "posing" in front of the Nile River

Jinja, Uganda. It’s in Africa. Okay, I know, we were only gone for a week. From March 30 to April 8. But, we are moving there in January 2018. And we have committed to live there for two years. Why are we moving there? The simple answer is we were asked to. The in-depth answer is we believe God is calling us there.
The Amazima School has asked us to serve as “house parents” for 24 teenage girls beginning in January 2018. We feel very honored and humbled to have been asked. The Amazima School just opened in January 2017. It is a Christ-centered school, offering a classical Christian education for Ugandan secondary students. Over 50% of the population of Uganda is under 18 years old. Many secondary schools in Uganda are not Christ-focused. This school offers an incredible opportunity to provide a thorough, high-level Christian education to what is hoped will be upwards of 500 secondary school students each year. The goal is to graduate future leaders of Uganda who will be in a position to transform the country.
Most secondary schools in Uganda are boarding schools. Students in these boarding schools are at risk of being physically, emotionally, and sexually abused by their teachers or house parents. Secondary schools in Uganda teach rote memorization of information. Basic problem solving skills and creative thinking are not taught and, in numerous ways, discouraged. The Amazima School seeks to provide a secondary educational experience and environment that will teach students they are made in the image of God by a God who loves them. Students will be encouraged to develop critical thinking, entrepreneurial ideas, godly ambition, and strong communication skills so they can reach their God-given potential.
The mission of The Amazima School is to equip Ugandan students with the tools of learning to enable them to live fully for the glory of God. The Amazima School emphasizes academic excellence, servant leadership, and nurturing relationships. The Amazima School is part of Amazima Ministries, an incredible outreach ministry that seeks to live out the love of Jesus by educating and empowering the people of Uganda and the communities it serves. To learn more about this incredible ministry just click on this Amazima Ministries link. Through its school, Amazima will be able to develop further its ministries in adult education, language training, vocational training, farming and Biblical studies.
We are so excited to be part of this wonderful work of God. We see this as yet one more step in the exciting direction God has been leading us for many years. We would love to have you as partners in our walk with God. First, and foremost, we need your prayers. Please pray that we would constantly seek Him and follow His guidance. Second, we would love to hear any words of encouragement you have for us or stories of how God has blessed your lives. We would be thrilled if you would follow us by email; you may do so by clicking on the "subscribe" link above. Third, we are not being paid by Amazima and do need financial support to live in Africa. If you would like to provide financial support you may do so here at RCE International.
Thank you for your prayers and encouragement.
